Thursday, May 20, 2010

Noble And Of Good Cheer

This is slightly random, but I thought it was interesting.

My name means Noble and of good Cheer, so a couple days ago I decided to to look up the meaning of the word noble (I thought I knew what it meant, but I wasn't completely sure, I have now found out I had no clue) I had a old dictionary from the 60s right by me so I looked it up there first. This is what it says: Having, showing, or indicative of high or elevated character; grand or impressive, especially in appearance; possessing, characterized by, or arising from superiority of mind, or of character, or of morals or ideals; of high birth or exalted rank;possessing very high and excellent qualities or properties.

Then I decided to look it up in the 1828 dictionary, it was pretty much the same, just slightly more meaningful: Great; elevated; dignified; being above every thing that can dishonor reputation; as a noble mind; a noble courage; noble deeds of valor. Exalted; elevated; sublime. Magnificent; stately; splendid; Of an ancient and splendid family; Distinguished from commoners by rank and title; Free; generous; liberal; as a noble heart. Principal; capital; as the noble parts of the body. Ingenuous; candid; of an excellent disposition; ready to receive truth. Acts 17. Of the best kind; choice; excellent.

Wikipedia says: Having honorable qualities; having moral eminence and freedom from anything petty, mean or dubious in conduct and character.

After finding such immense joy learning what Noble meant, I decided to look up the word Cheer. This is what the 1828 dictionary said: Cheer: To dispel gloom, sorrow, silence [:P I love that part] or apathy; to infuse life; spirit, animation; to incite; to encourage; A state of gladness or joy; a state of animation, above gloom and depression of spirits, but below mirth, gayety and jollity. Cheerfulness; Full of life; gay; animated; mirthful; musical; as the cheerful birds.

Then I decided to look up the word Good. The 1828 Noah Webster's dictionary defines it (among many other things) as; Having strength adequate to it's support; complete or sufficiently perfect in it's kind; sound; perfect; uncorrupted; undamaged; full; having qualities or abilities to produce good effect.

Noble And Of Good Cheer

So, I have concluded that this is what my name means: Alyssa; Having or showing elevated character, morals and ideals and a perfect, uncorrupted ability to dispel gloom, sorrow, apathy and silence; full of life; mirthful; musical, as the cheerful birds.