Monday, April 9, 2012

Mission Statement

I found this in the dark recesses of the drafts folder in my email just now, and I kind of really like it. It's a mission/vision statement I wrote for a class I'm taking - I don't think I ever turned it in, though . . . :) It's in an interesting format because I was filling it out with a template on the Covey website, but It's still pretty cool.

My mission/vision is:

Feed the hungry souls of the world, with Hope in Christ, help them have faith in His Atonement, find joy in life, and keep an eternal perspective, so they, too, can have this as their model - Come what may and love it. (1)

I want to be a mother like mine, and raise my children to hear the voice of God. Feed the souls of my children, and help clothe them with power and glory through righteousness

I want to be a great teacher like my dad, not just a teacher of knowledge, but of truth, mission, and agency. Feed the hungry souls I teach, and help them learn to exercise their agency, and clothe themselves with power and glory

God is my hope, my salvation, and my song. I want to help everyone I teach draw closer to Him because of my teachings, that they may be clothed with power and glory, that they may be able to withstand "everlasting burnings." (2)

Truths are the essence of my mission, and any mission - to share truth through, word or deed. I want to help people learn to find the truth and mission they are passionate about, and that God has given them: not just give them the fish, but teach them how to fish

Virtue is one of the highest traits one can posses. Virtue is the power to fulfill your mission,(3) it is "a high moral excellence" (4); it is the trait that will allow you to have confidence in the presence of God (5). When a whole culture is virtuous, that is Zion, and God can dwell among them. I wish to create a place where God can dwell, and contribute to America becoming that place - largely through speaking.

"A man cannot be saved in ignorance," and "The principle of knowledge is the principle of Salvation." (6) If I wish to bring souls unto Christ I must help them know Christ, and to help others know Him, I must know Him myself.

Hope. Hope is the evidence of of surrendering your heart to God, and knowing that He is in control; it is the prerequisite to joy and happiness in this life. I love hope. It makes my heart break to see others without hope; their souls hunger for it, and I wish to bring hope to those hungry souls by preaching the good word of God, and Hope in Christ through His Atonement.

I am a woman, and as such my noblest calling is to bear and rear children, to create a family, founded upon the teachings of the Lord, Jesus Christ. The truth of family extends far beyond this life, for I was born to be a Queen, to create worlds and spirit children of my own. My immortal soul longs to be a Mother; I will keep myself pure and worthy to enter the temple, partake and receive the ordinances therein, and become a mother for Time and All Eternity.

After we have obtained a hope in Christ, we must love others, help others, knit our hearts together in unity and love, to the extent that there are no poor among us (7) - poor in spiritual things, physical things, mental things, emotional things - only then can we create Zion, where the Lord may reign personally on this Earth.

Joy, true joy, is only available through keeping the commandments of God and turning our lives over to Him, giving Him our concerns, and trusting in Him through out trails; or in other words, through coming to know God. It makes my heart weep to see those who have never felt joy, never been showered with a cloak of radiance, righteousness, and protect them. I wish to help them learn to clothe themselves with power and great glory.

My greatest aspiration in life is to grow to the point where I can be taught by angels, in this life.

1. Joseph B. Wirthlin, Come What May and Love It, conference Oct 2008
2. Joseph Smith, King Follat Discourse
3. Idea taken form a lecture by Tatiana Milne on Virtue, and the Hebrew word for Virtue
4. Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary
5. D&C 121:45
6. Joseph Smith
7. Moses 7:18