Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Chick Flicks

Goodness, I dislike chick flicks! You know why? Because they make me want a boyfriend. Really bad.  They make me want someone to hold hands with, someone to snuggle with, someone to kiss passionately in the pouring rain - because for some reason when he's soaking wet and looks like a dog he's more attractive, and its more romantic, or something like that.

("But I have nothing. My hands are empty." "I can fill them.")

But I don't want a boyfriend, and I am not going to have a boyfriend, and I'm not ready to be courted yet, so I'm just going to have to wait.  But they make me not want to wait!

So why do I keep watching them, you ask? BECAUSE THEY'RE SO CUTE!

("Sabrina, where have you been all my life?" "Right over your garage.")

 And I can relate to them, because I'm a girl, and that's why they're chick flicks. And the Guys they fall in love with are so amazing, and so handsome, and so everything I want in a husband - well, not a husband, but a boyfriend (but I don't want a boy friend, remember?)

("Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and I can bear it no longer. These past months have been a torment. I came to Rosings with the single object of seeing you... I had to see you. I have fought against my better judgment, my family's expectations, the inferiority of your birth by rank and circumstance. All these things I am willing to put aside and ask you to end my agony."  "I don't understand."  "I love you.") 

And I love to banter like they do in the movies, it's so much fun! But it's so not good, and it hurts people, and I have sworn it off forever.  But then I watch a chick flick...and the resolve...well...it kind of goes away...Which is not good!
Goodness, what's a girl to do?

Oh! Briliant stroke of genius!!!  JUST KISS HIM!!!!   No.  Bad plan.  That doesn't fix a thing.  No matter how tired he may be.  Trust me.

I've tried to swear them off for good, but it never seems to last longer than a month or two - and the side effects only last for a couple days, a week tops.  So maybe its not that big of a problem; maybe its a good exercise in self discipline, or something like that.

Or, I could just get married, that would fix the problem. But I don't want to get married for at least another year, and I did promise several people I'd wait at least two.  So that's out of the question, too.

(This has been my motive, my fair cousin, and I flatter myself it will not sink me in your esteem.  And now nothing remains for me but to assure you in the most animated language of the violence of my affection.)

Sparingly.  That's my conclusion.  I will only watch them sparingly.

And maybe one of these days I'll stop watching them all together.


  1. Oh Alyssa. I miss the days when I could watch a chick-flick because sometimes there were funny parts but then I ended up turning my head away and make a ton of gagging sounds because "they're kissing!" Oh, those were the days. Now we're all grown up and when I hug a crying girl to help comfort her or after a young woman has poured out her heart to me and told me of all the trials and pain she's not sure she can bear anymore, it's the hardest thing to keep myself from just giving her a tender kiss. I understand your dilemma. Just remember that one day, it will have all been worth the wait.

  2. Agreed!!! It is worth the wait!!! Most definitly!!!
    I'm kinds opposite of Carson though, I used to like the kissing in chick flicks and now I'm like "NOOOOO!!!"
    Well not actually I still like it;) I love being surrounded by people like you two, so it makes the temptations that you've spoken of SOOO much easier to stay away from!!!
    *happy sigh* you are so awesome... :D

  3. You, my dear, have a very unique sort of satirical streak. I'm amused, impressed, and inclined to agree.

    But, dash it all, they're such great fun to watch!

  4. Goodness Alyssa you ALWAYS seem to reach deep inside my heart and bring out the best and worst in me;) I've thought a lot about this too...I still remember the day when I shouted aloud in my room "But how can playful banter be so bad, when it's so fun and well--key word here--playful??" Maybe our resolve will become stronger if we join in it together? New encouragement for myself: Alyssa's trying too, Alyssa's trying too....
    Love you!
