Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Understanding the Character of God: Introduction

The next series of posts are excerpts from letters I've been sending to some of my friends who are on missions, with the thoughts I've been having as I've been studying the Character of God.  This post is the back story, I'll post the rest of my thoughts over the next couple weeks - and then probably weekly as I send them to my missionaries.

February 3, 2014

I was reading in 2 Nephi 6, and Jacob said he was going to recount the words of Isaiah so that the people may "learn and glorify the name of God." I thought that was a particularly powerful way to describe the next series of chapters that follow.  I think I want to get a new Book of Mormon, and possibly all the standard works, and read and mark them with the express purpose of learning the character, or name, of God. Elder Holland said that the Book of Mormon provides the most complete depiction of the character of God, because of it's clarity and simplicity.

As I was sitting in Sacrament meeting today, people were bearing they're testimonies and I started thinking of areas I wanted to have a stronger testimony in, then a quote came to my mind and started playing on loop - A testimony is found in the bearing of it. So I got up and bore my testimony, and I felt so good afterwards, I love bearing my testimony. It must be so wonderful to have so many opportunities to testify to people every day! I'm going to work on finding/creating more opportunities to bare my testimony, be a member missionary like I'm supposed to be :)

Response from Jared, February 3, 2014

I like that idea to mark up the BoM, and eventually all of the standard works, with the intent of learning the character and perfections of God. Joseph Smith said in his lectures on faith that learning of the perfections and attributes of God is necessary to becoming like Him, which makes sense, but I believe he also said that by learning them we grow in faith, which is cool. Do it!

February 10, 2014

Jared shared a quote from Elder Holland in his general letter last week that I think has been very applicable to me this week, about how one of the attributes of the Spirit is that it's provocative, and the best time to challenge someone to act is while they're feeling "provoked".  I've been feeling that a lot recently, and learning how to use the provocation as momentum to commit myself to act - and the more I act the stronger the feeling gets, and the easier it is to act. For example, one of those moments came after a reply of "Do it!" to my telling Jared I thought it would be cool to mark up the scriptures with the intent of learning the character of God. And I did it. Well, I started it.  I went to the distribution center on Wednesday - because that was the soonest I could get there - and bought a new quad.

One thing I learned while marking up my new scriptures this week is that God gave us the scriptures to teach us about Him, and He gave us the commandments to help us become like Him.  God wants us to know who He is, and to have a personal relationship with Him, to know Him.  All the prophets testify of Him and try to help us more fully understand His works so we can more fully understand Him. "All things testify of Christ" and teach us about His character.

February 16, 2014

 I've found I've been learning less than I thought I would, just having the intention to learn more about the character of God as I read. Having a specific question in mind about the character of God will probably be very helpful, like you said. Preston had a cool way of stating it, too, he said: "Because after all, every single word in the Book of Mormon (and the other scriptures too, but the BOM particularly) is an answer to a question. But we only see it as an answer, and thus as inspiration, when the question is in our minds." 
I think I'm also going to start writing a "conference talk" on the character of God every week - or maybe every month - to help with that, too. because, as you've probably learned much better than I have, you learn much more when you're preparing to teach someone else than when you're studying for yourself.  I'm not sure what I'll do with my talks/speeches after I write them, though. Probably post them on my blog, and if they're any good I may send them to you on occasion :)

I was reading through some old conference Ensigns this week, and I found this quote, that seemed precious and sacred as I read it. I think I want to hang it on the wall in my bedroom:
Although our thoughts are centered in this sacred and solemn assembly on the noble titles High Priest, President, Apostle, Prophet, Seer, Revelator, the heavens are not offended if we at once speak of father, mother, child, brother, sister, family: even dad, mom, grandma, grandpa, baby.
If you are reverent and prayerful and obedient, the day will come when there will be revealed to you why the God of heaven has commanded us to address him as Father, and the Lord of the Universe as Son. Then you will have discovered the Pearl of Great Price spoken of in the scriptures and willingly go and sell all that you have that you might obtain it. (Boyd K Packer, April 1995)

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