Saturday, April 5, 2014

Understanding the Character of God: Turning Our Hearts, Priesthood Blessings, and Sharing My Testimony

March 3, 2014

The first thing I want to mention is that I figured out, partly from the letter I wrote last week, that if I want to have grand spiritual experiences learning the principles of the gospel, or the character of God I have to write my thought about the subject down or share them with other people. I kind of figured this would be the case, but now I know for sure.  And it's not really a whole bunch of grand spiritual experiences, it's a process where the Spirit slowly saturates your life over time as you continue to consistently read, write, and pray. Which I also already knew, but forgot to apply to this situation. Isn't it funny how that happens?  I feel like that happens to me all the time - I know the answers, I just assume they don't apply to me, or in this circumstance, or because of some fact or other. Well, they do. Principles are principles, and truth is not esoteric.
Anyway, because I've been consistently reading, marking, and writing my thoughts about the Book of Mormon I have been so full of love and beautiful contentment this past week.  For the last several months I haven't been enjoying teaching, and I've been irritated at all of my students - I've also been super stressed, and getting worn out super fast - but this week, I'm pretty sure because I've been making a focused effort to come closer to God through my scripture study - I've felt so much love for all of my students, and for everyone I'm with, and I've been so much happier, and I haven't felt completely dead or unsatisfied at the end of every day. 

I've also been visiting my great Aunt Alice regularly do work on family history stuff, and I'm pretty sure that has contributed to it, too. I always feel the Spirit so strong when I'm at her home. She has so much love for everyone, and for God, she's so inspiring.  I love listening to her stories and learning from her. There are so many things we can learn from the elderly; talking to my aunt has widened my view of mortality immeasurably, and really helped me to refocus on the things that matter. There are so many things that she was once able to do that she can't any more, and it's very frustrating to her; she's had several brain surgeries so her memory and ability to express herself clearly have been greatly decreased - which she greatly laments - but still she tells me how good her life is and how greatly she is blessed; and still I see her cheering up all the other ladies in their little elderly community with her kind words. Any time any of the other ladies see me with her they make it a point to come tell me what an amazing, loving person my aunt Alice is.  I have come to love her so much in the small time I've been getting to know her. I was named after her, and anytime I visit her , or even think about her, I think of the scripture in Helaman 10, where Nephi is telling his sons that he named them after Lehi and Nephi so that "when you remember your names ye may remember them; and when ye remember them ye may remember their works; and when ye remember their works ye may know how that it is said, and written, that they were good."  And it makes me want to be like her. [Editors note: this part isn't strictly about the character of God, but visiting with my aunt has helped me learn of the goodness of God. Visiting elderly relatives is such an amazing blessing. If you have relatives remotely close to you VISIT THEM. Turn your hearts to your "fathers" so God doesn't smite us all with a curse! Ask them about their childhood - it will be just as much a blessing to you as it is to them, I promise.]

Another thought: tonight my dad asked my Grandpa for a blessing for guidance in some things he is working on and it occurred to me - another one of those facts that I always knew, but forgot I knew - that priesthood blessings literally are someone speaking for God, saying the words He gives them to say.  We have access to direct and exceedingly specific personal revelation from God, right in our home. 
After my dad got a blessing a couple of my other siblings wanted blessings, too, and so did I.  The counsel and blessing the were given to me tonight were almost all things that I had felt impressed about, or promptings I'd received in the past month or two. Which made me realize, again something I already knew but hadn't understood as fully, that I have direct access to exceedingly specific personal revelation from God, when ever I am worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost, and willing/able to listen. 
That is a tremendous blessing, and no one outside this church has it. We are so blessed, and I wish everyone could have that privilege in their lives to bless and help them as it's blessed and helped me. It is literally a saving grace.

1 comment:

  1. Something you might be interested in; Elder Oaks tonight at the Priesthood session talked about the Priesthood and how it pertains to all of us as Heavenly Father's children. So when that session gets online I would recommend watching or reading his talk to find out more about the Priesthood and how it affects us in our daily lives..
